Righteous Kill

The film opens with Detective Thomas "Turk" Cowan (De Niro) staring into the camera confessing to the murders of 14 people. Turk's "confessions" narrate the story.
Turk and his partner, David "Rooster" Fisk (Pacino), are working on taking down a drug-dealing club owner called Spider (50 Cent). They plant a wire on a female lawyer caught using drugs, purchased from Spider, but Spider becomes suspicious and finds it. Turk and Rooster rush into Spider's office and get her out, but not before Spider's bodyguard aims a gun at them and a shootout begins. Spider's man is killed and the lawyer gets shot as well. Turk handcuffs Spider and beats him until being pulled away by Rooster.
Turk and Rooster are ordered by their lieutenant (Brian Dennehy) to begin sessions with a therapist. The doctor gives the cops notebooks to write down whatever feelings they have.
In court, a rapist that Turk had arrested is set free on a technicality; Turk, furious, threatens the suspect. The next scene shows the rape suspect being shot to death in his apartment by an unseen assailant. The killer leaves behind a poem for the detectives to read as a clue. He is just the latest in a line of criminals who have been murdered with a poem left at the scene.
Also investigating the murders are Detectives Perez (Leguizamo) and Riley (Wahlberg). There is tension due to Turk currently dating Perez's ex-girlfriend, Detective Karen Corelli (Carla Gugino). Rooster concludes that due to the lack of struggle in all the recent murders, the killer could be a cop. Perez and Riley become receptive to the idea, while Turk becomes upset.
Rooster and Turk look at a convict they had put away for similar murders, Charles Randall (Frank John Hughes), but it doesn't appear to be him. A flashback reveals that Randall was falsely convicted on a murder charge because Turk, despite Rooster's attempts to stop him, had planted evidence. He did so after Randall was acquitted of a murder that Turk was convinced Randall had actually committed.

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